Sunday, April 23, 2023

blog#7 Invention

 I learned about the invention of the Television. The television was invented in 1907 by Lindsey Boyelstad.  It was created as a device that could transport images across telegraph or telephone wires. The first television was created by John Baird. The first modern television was created by Philo Farnsworth in 1927. Credit was also given to Vladimir Zworykin. 

Television has had a large impact on American culture and communication. Events are able to be broadcasted live to millions of people. Television has allowed a common culture to be created across all regions of the country. People are able to watch sports games, cartoons, and sitcoms. Businesses are able to advertise to millions of people, creating new jobs, and allowing more people to purchase products. Television can be an addiction for some people and many have to be careful about the time spent watching it. Television has been a great source of information and entertainment for millions of people.  Television has also probably lowered the attention span of people. Seeing flashy images and sounds makes it harder to find enjoyment in a book or listen to the radio. Television has paved the way for modern technologies such as the computer and Smartphone. Both have screens similar to a television.  

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Blog #8 Diffusion of Innoations

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