Wednesday, March 1, 2023

My Top News Sources

 Kyle Kulinski- Youtube

Kyle is a left-wing political commentator ( social democrat/ libertarian socialist) on Youtube. In recent years, I have come to disagree with a lot of his commentary, but I think his commentary is funny and comes from a genuine place. I have to factor in Kyle's bias when listening to him. I do think Kyle does a good job of prescribing the problems within our society, but not always the solutions. Kyle also talks about issues not addressed by a lot of the mainstream press and doesn't hold punches from either party. Though because he is on the left, he punches from that side, so I need to calculate that. 

Abhijit Chavda-Youtube

Mr. Chavda is an Indian nationalist who often talks about geopolitics from a realist perspective. I know that what he says has a pro-India bias, but it is interesting to hear how someone from another country views international affairs. I would be lying if I said that I didn't watch him partly for entertainment. He is a funny person, particularly when he attacks Britain and Pakistan.  He also covers historical content which is interesting to me. 

TLDR - Youtube

TLDR makes summary videos of what is going on in European and British politics. They do touch occasionally on the rest of the world, but a lot of it is European-focused. It is interesting to know what happens elsewhere and their analysis of what is going on in America. They often tell both sides of the story but are probably similar to CNN in the message, but generally less sanctimonious and more focused on serious issues. 


I follow CNN on Instagram. I often think they waste time with unimportant topics (what the British royal are doing), but they produce a large amount of content and sometimes have something interesting to say. I do not watch CNN on TV because I do not own a TV and I find them boring, to be entirely honest. They often have a mainstream corporate Democrat perspective.  They are not likely to say anything bold or interesting. They are good for general information. For example, they can tell me that protests happened in Kazakhstan, but not necessarily why they happened. 


I have three friends that each provide me with the news. My friend Nick is a classical liberal ( he selfs describes himself as a moderate which I think is cringe and not the best descriptor). He also watches Kyle and Mr. Chavda. He will often tell me about things that I have not been paying attention to or will help clarify something for me. My other friend Matt Gray(Aka Mercantilist Matt) is a good person to ask when I want the paleo-conservative opinion on something. He is often somewhat partisan, but he is an intelligent person, even though sometimes I think his beliefs are silly. He gave an excellent presentation in the Money Talks Club on the health problems in modern America. The last friend that gives me the news is my former confirmation Sponsor, Patrick McIntyre. Mr. McIntyre is a bit older than my father (born in October of 1963) and would probably describe himself as a conservative. He often talks about wasteful government spending and sends me interesting articles from Zero Hedge. 

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